
[EMNLP 2024] Mixture-of-Subspaces in Low-Rank Adaptation

We introduce a subspace-inspired Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) method, which is computationally efficient, easy to implement, and readily applicable to large language, multimodal, and diffusion models.

Taiqiang Wu, Jiahao Wang, Zhe Zhao, Ngai Wong

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[COLING 2025] Rethinking Kullback-Leibler Divergence in Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models

We provide a deeper insight into forward KL and reverse KL in the KD for LLM and then propose a novel AKL based on the analysis.

Taiqiang Wu, Chaofan Tao, Jiahao Wang, Runming Yang, Zhe Zhao, Ngai Wong

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